Elmar Offenbacher

Elmar finished his master studies of Chemical & Process Engineering at the Graz University of Technology in June 1997 and started work with Austrian Energy & Environment right after.

Focusing on sustainable combustion of various fuels in fluidised bed boilers, Elmar was working as Sales Manager and was seconded to the Sydney office in 2006 for more than three years.

In the next chapter of his career, Elmar joined BDI-Bioenergy as Director Sales promoting their cutting-edge technologies of turning waste into value, generating Biogas and BioDiesel.

End of 2017, Elmar took over the role as Head of Sales with LHS Clean Air Systems, focusing on advanced filter solutions for dedusting and emissions reduction in various industries.

Another jump in Elmar’s career took place earlier this year when he became Senior Vice President with P&P Industries, heading their newly established business unit Waste Gas Treatment.